Sunday, February 8, 2009

Big Game Hunting

We do grocery shopping, buying clothes, electronics and stamps - online; making hotel reservations and buying air tickets, ordering transfers and dinner tables, buying show tickets and renting movies - online; dating and discussing on forums the most important problems of our life, reading news and posting our writings for reviews - online; even our language changed decently: to Google means to search, to chant means to talk and so on… and now even hunting online! What else could we possibly do online?

Being very outgoing person I realized that I lost a great number of my mates due to the total internet invasion of our lives. Who could possibly think that hunters will be putting threads in the hunting forums, hanging their trophies on their “hunting spaces” and waiting for feedbacks from the people they have never met in their life… And now it came even further, people go hunting and get real trophies sitting in their own chairs and making shoots by a single click of their mouse. And then in a weeks or so fresh curried hides are arrives by mail. When I first heard about this way of hunting I could not believe my ears and thought it was just a joke and all fuse was about new video game coming out on the market, but then I saw some online banners inviting you to go hunting in real time online from you home. I was terrified…

Hunting is a big challenge and you never know how it will turns out: either you chase or you are chased. There are constant reports from National and International sport and hunting association about animal attack and neglect firearm shooting with fatal consequences, and every hunting community warn their members about any alerts and accidents that took place in the near by area, but shouldn’t they also take as their main duty to teach them some hunting ethics? How wonder why the most ancient human activity that gave us food and clothes gets so much critique and daily attacked by “Nature Defenders”: today all limits of fare hunting are exceeded by hunting online, going for illegal animal species, hunting caged animals and underage hunting licensing…

People have tons of motives to go for hunting these days: in some cases it’s a family tradition or a business - when you have a huge ranch somewhere in Texas and since you were five you’ve been caring your granddad’s Remington, it’s hard to avoid becoming an outfitter as your folks. Others, can’t stand the daily routine of the city life and in constant search for adrenaline rush going for extreme sporting like rock-climbing, bike riding and of cause hunting. But the least appreciated people in hunting community are the gold diggers, people who sell everything no matter if it’s some rear mammals or the last couple of evanescent birds as long as it is requested on the market and brings good money, but poachers and ethics are two words that stand too far away of each other.

International outfitters and hunting clubs organized by local authorities and family communities were taking under control all hunting and animal exporting business these days and there are some bright sides about it. If we want to make this kind of business more civilized we should truly follow common rules and regulations, otherwise it’ll be hard to stop the chaos. So, should we stay at home now and do mortifying clicks and get our trophies by mail OR will we get out and stand face to face with nature and feel that fear and got our adrenaline rushes and play fare games? Big Games …
Ralph Sedona

Alnery Hunting Club: Big Game Hunting

Sourse: bear hunting